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Lynbrook Optical
A: Lynbrook Village Shopping Centre Shop 15,
75 Lynbrook Boulevard,, Lynbrook. VIC., 3975Australia
03 9702 9118
Kids Offer BannerKids Offer BannerKids Offer Banner

Our 2-year warranty on kids' glasses
covers any accidental damage.
No Questions Asked.

  • Medicare Bulk Billing
  • Complete Glasses from $199
  • Good Vision Guarantee
03 9702 9118

Tired of constantly replacing your child's glasses? Learn Sarah’s secret to keeping her child’s glasses in “as new” condition year round.

Sarah Jane was fed up. She had taken her son Charlie to a few big chain optometrists, but they all seemed to be the same. They made promises about durable frames, special coatings and sold her multiple pairs of flimsy frames but none of it seemed to make a difference

Let’s face it, kids can be rough on their glasses!

Charlie is an active boy and would accidentally break his glasses regularly, they made her feel bad, like she was somehow to blame for her son's glasses breaking. Since they did not cover accidental damage, repairs were an expensive exercise for Sarah and a literal headache for Charlie as he had to cope without glasses while waiting to get his glasses back.

Sarah was so relieved to find us, because we understand how frustrating it can be to deal with optometrists who don't deliver on their promises. That's why we offer a 2-year unconditional warranty on all of our kids' glasses, they break it, we repair or replace it. Experience peace of mind and join hundreds of happy parents who trust Lynbrook Optical for their children's eye care needs.

Bulk Billed Eye Tests


Your eyes are a window to your health and a comprehensive eye exam can reveal vital health information. Don't put it off, book an eye test with our experienced bulk billing optometrist near you in Lynbrook today.


Our Good Vision Guarantee


Your satisfaction is our top priority. If you're not 100% HAPPY with your new glasses within 30 days, we'll make it right or give your money back. That's our Good Vision Guarantee

Our Current Offers

You're in good hands

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